- Angebot: KB.1.13623
- Pensum: 20-40%
- Arbeitszeit: Tuesday and Thursday 9.00-15.30 Uhr; Monday, Wednesday and Friday 13.00-15.30 Uhr
- Arbeitsort: 4102 Binningen
- Stellenantritt: From September 1st on
- Lohn: Brutto CHF 1.623,00/month
We are looking for a nanny for a 3 year old boy (turning 4 in autumn): Preparing small meals, playing with the boy and being outside.
The nanny should speak Hindi (dad’s first language) and should have experience in childcare.
The family is easy to reach by public transport.
Complete application (current CV with photo and certificates) to daniela.voegele@familizy.ch