Employee assistance program (EAP)

As an employer, you know that good support for your employees is key to the success of your business.

Employee assistance program (EAP)

Our employee assistance program (EAP) offers a wide range of services to help your employees to overcome personal or professional challenges. Find out more about how we can help you to create a working environment in which your employees feel comfortable and can do their best work.

What is an EAP?

An EAP (employee assistance program) is a valuable program that helps employees to overcome challenges in life and at work. As an employer, an EAP allows you to offer employees individual support and resources such as counselling, coaching or training to help them deal with stress, anxiety, family problems or other challenges. An EAP can be helpful in creating a supportive work envi-ronment and improving the work performance of your employees.

Why is having an EAP important?


Benefits for employees

  • Support with personal and professional challenges such as stress, anxiety, family problems or addiction.
  • Access to individual support and resources such as counselling, coaching or training.
  • Improved well-being and mental health.
  • Increased employee retention and satisfaction.
  • Possibility to deal more effectively with stress and challenges.
  • More trust and openness in dealing with line managers and colleagues.
  • Boosting personal growth and skills.

Benefits for employers

  • Increased staff motivation and work performance.
  • Improved productivity and efficiency at the company.
  • Lower rates of absenteeism and the related costs.
  • Increased employee retention and satisfaction, resulting in improved staff retention and lower rates of staff turnover.
  • Positive effects on the image of the company as a responsible employer.
  • Opportunity to build trust and loyalty among employees.
  • Reduction of absenteeism and burnout rates, which can result in long-term cost savings.

Our EAP solutions comprise the following services:

Health management

  • Health checks
  • Health advice
  • Dietary counselling
  • Fitness programmes
  • Relaxation programmes

Compatibility of work and family life

  • Childcare
  • Care in illness
  • Flexible working hours
  • Flexible work-places
  • Household & garden

Personal life crises

  • Stress management
  • Addiction counselling
  • Conflict counselling
  • Legal advice
  • Financial advice

Measurable benefits of our EAP:

Our employee assistance program (EAP) offers you and your employees an effective approach for mental health in the workplace. As an employer, you can benefit from increased work performance and employee satisfaction. Your employees receive individual support in overcoming stress, family problems and other challenges that can impact their work performance.

A few numbers on benefits

Return on Investment (ROI) of over 200%

Up to 70% faster return to work after pregnancy

You want to learn more?

We are at your disposal for a personal presentation of our programs and services.

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What our customers say about us

Thanks to familizy, the employee and her family were able to agree on the best care solution. The search took the pressure off the employees, who were also able to concentrate better during work. The company also benefited from motivated and productive employees who were less distracted by personal matters. In addition, the employer is perceived as very family-friendly, where work-life balance has a high priority.

C. H. / Company

The employee makes use of the service offered by his/her company, which is carried out by familizy. In the process, the parents receive professional advice and explanations about the various childcare solutions, such as daycare centers, day families and nanny employment. After the discussion, the parents decide on a daycare center. familizy starts a research for this, whereby topics such as infrastructure, free places, costs, etc. are clarified and then clearly sent to the family.

T. A. / Company

Expectant parents deal with the issue of childcare after maternity leave. Questions and disagreements arise in the process.

D. S. / Company